Sunday, January 31, 2016

Celebrate the Past

Jim Koury is a seeker of inspirational forces. His spiritual journey of self-discovery has revealed many secrets hidden within him related to the very essence of who he is. He embraces opportunities that enable him to learn about his higher self and the inspirational forces that prod him forward to new plateaus of enlightenment and self-revelation.

He is also the Editor/Publisher of Diversity Rules Magazine, an alternative focus publication primarily dealing with the gay community’s concerns and issues, along with issues of diversity generally. He is an activist who is not afraid to ruffle some feathers. His main objective is to get people to think and think for themselves and does not force his views on others but just puts them out there for folks to think about and discard if they wish.

It is requisite that we be a keen observer of people, as we will notice certain things about them. One major common phenomenon I have noticed is that many folks deny their past and are embarrassed by some of the things they have done. While I totally empathize with this position, it is however, imperative that one's past be embraced and celebrated.

One must understand that their past has made them who they are -- good, bad or otherwise. In everything we have done, even what would be considered by others a dire breach of morality and social mores, there is a lesson that has been learned and a lesson that others might need to hear.

We need to celebrate our past.  By doing so we can instill in others a sense that they are simply humans on a journey in life -- that they should not be ashamed of the experiences they have lived. Those experiences are part of one's life's tapestry. Denying parts of that tapestry will ultimately betray the denier. They live in fear of their past and become beholden to those that would seek to potentially do harm because of it. Those that do harm are the very same people that hide behind their facade of indignant shame and cast judgment on others. We cannot let harm come to ourselves.

While working on the February issue of Diversity Rules Magazine I featured a movie entitled, “Supernatural” released by TLA Releasing.  The tagline of the movie is “He who controls the past controls the future.”  I thought about this for a bit and decided it was a brilliant assessment of how we all need to be.

If we continue to not fully accept our past from whence our roots came, we will never be in control of our futures because a hidden past will keep reaching forward, lurching at us to try to destroy whatever it is we are pursuing.  We need to control our futures by openly accepting the hidden past and face it squarely and firmly.  Doing so will cast those who wish to do us harm elsewhere to some other vulnerable creature cowering in fear who they can try to deceitfully manipulate and control.

We each need to make a declaration of independence from the fear of the past.  It will firmly and unequivocally put one in control of their future destiny, unfettered by the influences of the egomaniacal tendencies of others.  We must decide that they no longer will control our decisions for the future.

Our futures are to be forged with our life’s purpose in mind.  If we allow the wretchedness of those who wish to do us harm to influence those decisions, we are doomed to wander aimlessly in the barren desert constantly searching for the escape to the plateau of our destiny.

The failure to reach the plateau will create frustration, anger and self-doubt and will plague our existence every waking moment.  We need to overcome these feelings and drive forward through our personal storms no matter what until the sun breaks and shines brightly and guides us to the path to the plateaus of our destiny.

We must look back on our journey toward enlightenment and transformation with unfiltered lenses.  If we do, it will propel us forward to win the battles we wage inside ourselves.  We must charge to battle with non weary heart and mind and tackle our inner demons and control them. We will never eradicate them but we must accept them as part of who we are, yet not allow them to control our every waking moment any longer.

(C) 2016 James R. Koury.  All Rights Reserved.

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Manifesting Our Inner Essence

Jim Koury
Jim Koury is a seeker of inspirational forces. His spiritual journey of self-discovery has revealed many secrets hidden within him related to the very essence of who he is. He embraces opportunities that enable him to learn about his higher self and the inspirational forces that prod him forward to new plateaus of enlightenment and self-revelation.

He is also the Editor/Publisher of Diversity Rules Magazine, an alternative focus publication primarily dealing with the gay community’s concerns and issues, along with issues of diversity generally. He is an activist who is not afraid to ruffle some feathers. His main objective is to get people to think and think for themselves and does not force his views on others but just puts them out there for folks to think about and discard if they wish.

A very short few years ago I began a journey of self-exploration that has literally changed my life. I have delved into myself through meditation and coming into contact with people who were integral components and pieces of my internal puzzle that have put me on a path toward knowing my true self and what destiny lies ahead.

Because of this journey and my desire to fulfill my destiny, I am much more keenly aware of why I am the way I am, and why I think the way I do. I have become more balanced mentally, spiritually, and physically. I have essentially started to become the outward manifestation of my true inner essence.

My life’s progression has induced me to reread my Akashic Reading much more comprehensively that I had done almost 2 years ago now. I didn’t really pay much attention to it when I first had it done. I read through it and said “wow, this is great stuff.” It shed much light on why I acted and thought the way I did. However, I did not dig into the nitty gritty of the reading and failed to fully comprehend the scope and depth of what the reading was telling me.

One of the more glaring overriding truths as per my Akashic Reading was that my Soul of Origin is “Androgynous.” As explained in the reading, “… We incarnate as men and women to live life lessons and experiences as both. When we have lived many many lives we become more androgynous at soul level. A unification instead of separation between the two sexes.” Because of this unification of the two sexes in my internal makeup, it was determined that in all probability I am a very old soul and one that wishes to help people better understand themselves through overt expression of what has been learned in this journey in this Earthly plane.

Due to this internal drive, I have come to a point in my life where moving forward toward my final destination in understanding my true self has outweighed the costs of procrastination and a failure to address the issues I faced and still face with creativity and vitality. Worry and fear over these issues did not move me forward but in fact set me further behind myself. The Law of Attraction brought exactly what I was thinking about that was grounded in fear, worry and pessimism. We simply receive more of what we think about – good, bad or otherwise.

In order to reverse much of our life’s situation that we are not really happy with we need to change what we think about and how we perceive what we think about. We must stop looking at and analyzing issues from the premise of anxiety and fear. Instead, we must develop solutions to the issues facing us with creativity and vitality. We have to see our issues as opportunities for advancement and moving forward to a new plateau of self revelation.

Part of manifesting our Inner Essence is the ability to recognize when the time has come to embark on a new path instead of wavering at the fork in the road trying to decide which way to go. We make excuses for not doing so because of our fear and misunderstanding of ourselves as well as an apprehension over voluntarily entering into yet more unknown areas of our lives.

The true test of an individual and their resolve in bettering themselves is their ability to overcome the apprehension and to muster the courage to shake off the dust of negativity and fear. We know in our gut that it is the point at which our yearning to be someone better begins to outweigh the costs of delaying that which we all are entitled to through universal divine knowledge if we wish to seek it out. Delaying the infusion of universal divine knowledge into our decision-making process only creates frustration and negative self-image thus fostering an environment of defeat.

Instead, we must have the perspective that defeat is never final. There are always opportunities hidden in our defeat that will help us to overcome any setback that we may experience on our life path. We must have the vision, the wisdom and the fortitude to recognize and seize the opportunities hidden in our defeat rather than allowing defeat to stop us from emerging victorious in becoming the Master of Ourselves.

(c) 2015 James R. Koury.
All Rights Reserved.

Friday, December 4, 2015

Embodied Within

By Jim Koury
© 2015 Jim Koury.  All Rights Reserved.

1289While perusing Facebook as I usually do (yes I freely admit it) I came across a post by a friend of mine that at first glance wasn’t anything special really.  It was simply a post about David Cassidy and The Partridge Family’s number one hit of 45 years ago entitled, “I Think I Love You.”

At first I shrugged it off with the obligatory exclamation of “Wow I can’t believe that was so long ago now.  Where has time gone?”  However I began to dwell on the post and realized that the time period during which “The Partridge Family” was popular was in fact a very defining moment of my life.

In 1970, I was simply a mere tot of 10 at the time.  Most kids my age were out playing baseball, getting dirty in the mud and well, just doing all that “manly” boys were supposed to do when they are 10. 

I did not fit that mold.  You could find me reading an Agatha Christie book on the porch, making candles or doing decoupage down in the basement.  Many times I would simply wander off by myself for hours at a time in peaceful solitude in the woods and trails adjacent to the Susquehanna River prior to the construction of Interstate 88.  I was contently happy to be a soul within myself.

Embodied within me at this very young age however was something that I could not put my fingers on.  I was a 10 year old boy with an unexplainable and disconcerting love of David Cassidy and men generally. 

Every Friday night at 8:30 I was glued to the TV and watched The Partridge Family, as I grappled with the feelings that stirred within me. I remember the inner turmoil and torment that I had and the havoc it wreaked on my psyche even at the young age of 10.

The thing is it was not only with this show but others as well with their handsome male leading characters. I would sit in silence surrounded by my family just thinking about these actors that I had an attraction to but was at a complete loss for an explanation as to why.

I had no idea what was going on inside nor could I explain the feelings I had and the attraction to other boys that I was experiencing. All I knew was that I was different and it scared me.

At the time my grandmother lived with us.  My grandmother and I had a bond that I still have to this day even though she's been dead for over 40 years. I feel her presence as strongly as if she were sitting next to me as we often did when I was a kid.

I think my grandmother knew that I liked other boys. I don’t really know why per se, but I have an inkling.  It was something my mom told me my grandmother would say to her that leads me to believe she knew.  My mom told me once that my grandmother said many times to her that she wondered what would become of me.  My mom would simply tell her that “I am sure he’ll be fine.”  I never did ask her, but I still may, what the context of those conversations were.  I can only conjecture the topic.

Looking back on all this now, I have to say that I am very grateful that I went through the experiences of my youth, and had the relationship I had with my grandmother, as they have prepared me for life and provided the mental fortitude to relentlessly forge ahead even in the face of some of the most dire and what may seem like hopeless situations.  I am a firm believer that all we experience in life, many times, happens for a reason that directly contributes to pursuing our inherent destiny, even though we may not realize it at the time it’s all transpiring.

Our inherent destiny is simply the outward manifestation of the person we are supposed to become.  Sometimes this yearning is so strong that the universe’s use of pain, anguish, heartache and confusion drives us forward in order to get us to make decisions that need to be made to bring our inherent destiny to fruition.

Embodied within us all is a seed of greatness.  The perceived pain, anguish and heartache we experience as children, and into adulthood, is the driving force that creates our understanding and empathy that allows us to  help others overcome their challenges -- their inner turmoil - and to help guide them to safe haven if they wish such guidance.

Do not look back upon your life with regret.  Dispel the feelings of inadequacy due to not living up to others expectations of what you should have done or been.  Our lives are our own – not anyone else’s.

Similarly our choices are our own – no one else’s.  It is our choices and how we deal with our life experiences that will determine if we reach the pinnacle of spiritual, mental and physical greatness.

The truth that guides me and that which is embodied within everyone, is that every day is a new day... yesterday is gone.  Trust your intuition and gut feelings to guide your tomorrow. Grasp on to that truth and never let go.

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Forgotten Memories

By Jim Koury
© 2015 Jim Koury.  All Rights Reserved.

1289As I sit and reflect upon today – Thanksgiving Day – I anxiously await the feast that is only a few short hours away now as well as the time to be spent with my family.  New memories will be created this day that will last the rest of my life.

I also reflect upon those forgotten memories of Thanksgivings gone by.  However, they never really are truly forgotten. They just get buried within ourselves to be unearthed when we just want to be comforted emotionally when faced with current life’s challenges, or simply to ponder how life was and how grateful we were for those times that are now just shadows residing in our inner consciousness.

I also reflect upon the people that have passed before me through the years.  There are three kinds of people -- those that pass through and no longer are seen or heard from again, those that pass through but are in the shadows to re-emerge once again at some future point, and those that remain steadfastly part of our lives.  I believe there is a lesson to be learned from everyone we meet, but I especially cherish those people that come back into my consciousness and those who never left, as they are the people that really matter the most and the ones I have learned much from.

It is this reflection upon people that have passed before me that cause me today to fondly look back upon family gatherings from the shadows of the past and those family members who are no longer with us. Despite their human failings, as we all have, they enriched my life in their own unique way and I carry forward to this day their loving and nurturing attributes and the memories of their embraces and words of encouragement. 

I am also very grateful for those that are still with us and are partaking in the creation of new memories to be carried forward into the future after they are gone.  Many times we get wrapped up in the trials and tribulations of our lives and focus on one’s shortcomings so much that we tend to forget the beneficial impact these people have etched into our consciousness.

While gathered with your families today take a moment to reflect upon the day and what it truly means to you  Ask yourself if the grudges you hold and the bad memories you retain within are worth the cost of not enjoying the camaraderie of those sitting with you today, as they will be gone one day.

Do you wish to remember them in the light of the ill will of your grudges and regrets or do you want to remember them for who they are and what they truly mean to you?  Create memories that will comfort you and bring a smile to your face and disregard those that you harbor within the evil of your ego.

Life is short.  We all have shortcomings.  Do not let the inconsequential things in life and the human failings we all have to take pre-eminence in your consciousness.  One day those inconsequential things that caused you to overlook what truly was important shall create regrets and cause never ending internal torment.  You have the power NOW to prevent that from happening.

Alas, the words in this post do not fully apply to all. To those who cannot find solace in what is written here, I am hopeful that someday you can find something of mutual concurrence that will help to bridge the chasm between you and whomever is at a distance from you.

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Blink of an Eye

By Jim Koury
© 2015.  All Rights Reserved.


Jim Koury is a seeker of inspirational forces. His spiritual journey of self-discovery has revealed many secrets hidden within him related to the very essence of who he is. He embraces opportunities that enable him to learn about his higher self and the inspirational forces that prod him forward to new plateaus of enlightenment and self-revelation.

He is also the Editor/Publisher of Diversity Rules Magazine, an alternative focus publication primarily dealing with the gay community’s concerns and issues, along with issues of diversity generally. He is an activist who is not afraid to ruffle some feathers. His main objective is to get people to think and think for themselves. He espouses Aristotle’s mantra, “It is the mark of an educated mind to entertain a thought without accepting it.” Jim does not force his views on others but just puts them out there for folks to think about and discard if they wish

Life is a curious thing.  As young children and adolescents we have this idea that we possess all the time in the world to do what we want.  We will never grow old nor will we succumb to a lot of the negativity that we see our parents endure and fall victim to because life has beat them up.  “I will never be like that” we say.  Then one day, with a  blink of an eye, we find ourselves in the same position wondering what the fuck happened!

Time passes so quickly.  With a blink of an eye today becomes tomorrow, passing into next year and decades into the future.  Many get to a point in their lives where they begin to look back upon the choices they made and wonder “what if.”  What if I had done this or what if I had done that.  Wondering what would have happened ‘what if” is a fruitless endeavor and will only lead to more frustration, regret, self-doubt and pity.

What we must do is acknowledge the past, face up to our failures and move on.  We have no choice but to live for and in today, for today is the only thing that matters.  The choices we make today are what will influence the direction of our tomorrow not our past.

I was watching an episode of CSI-NY on Netflix one night – the final episode of the show after 9 seasons as a matter of fact.  The episode was entitled, “Today is Life.”  In the final 5 minutes of the episode Mac Taylor is reflecting upon his life and life generally because of a murder that he and his team had been working on.  An innocent man was killed because of being in the wrong place at the wrong time.  Mac Taylor was quoting the deceased man and was espousing what he said as his truth and that he would never forget what the dead man said, as follows, “Today is life.  The only life we are sure of.  Make the most of today.”

Today is life!  It is the only thing we have that will shape our future.  Take charge of your today and make the decisions that need to be made in order to have the future you wish to have.  Our destinies are in our hands – no one else’s.  Don’t waste today, as with a blink of an eye today will be gone! 

The only consolation we have is that tomorrow will be our new today.  We awaken with a new opportunity each and every day to do what we need to do to shape our futures to be the way we want them to be.

However, at some point we do run out of tomorrows.  Many are faced with their last tomorrows and no longer have the ability to shape their futures to make a substantive difference in their lives.

What will be your choice?  Will you decide that “today is life” and be pro-active and change your life’s path for the better or will you put off to tomorrow what needs to be done today until you have no more tomorrows?  I implore you to choose the former, as the latter is not an appealing one.  It will only create more suffering and needless regret until the day you pass into your spiritual realm of consciousness once again.

Friday, October 30, 2015

Enter the Unknown

By Jim Koury
© 2015.  All rights reserved.

JRKAs children we were not concerned with the trials and tribulations of adulthood. We were in a state of innocence – a period of our lives not contaminated by someone else’s knowledge and their worldview. Everyone around us was equal. We did not see sexual, racial and religious inequity. All we saw were other children like us despite some not being quite the same as we were.

As a child we very rarely were inhibited to enter into the unknown without fear. It was guided by curiosity and our desire to explore things outside our worldview. We had not yet fallen victim to someone else’s dictate that “you can’t do that.” The unknown intrigued us and repelled us away from those that said we could not do something.

Somewhere along the spectrum of life we begin to retain knowledge given to us by others. We increasingly become beholden to what others think, and stop thinking for ourselves. We may think we have our own perspective but in reality many times it is the perspective of others that we harbor within us. Our innate sense of wandering into the unknown becomes regulated and many times disappears into the abyss within ourselves. We become followers of others instead of the wanderers we were born as.

Many unfortunately do not leave this comfortable state of existence and a life of following others. Individuality is subjugated to second class status behind what someone else thinks of us. We become more and more influenced by what we may have been taught by our families, friends and others - subconsciously accepting it as truth.

As we gain more and more knowledge, we begin a quest for answers to questions about ourselves and how we fit in. Sought out are others that we think can help us in our quest for individual truth. Alas, disappointingly, influences of others simply perpetuate our subservience from which we wish to escape. We more deeply bury our individuality inside the dark unknown within ourselves.

At various stages of our life our worldviews are impacted by others that are seeking the same truth. Association with like minded people can spark the fire within us and ignite once again our passionate innate desire to journey forward without reservation into spheres of thought different from our own. Our well trodden existence becomes boring and we begin to stagnate.

Many are content to mire themselves in the stench of negativity that is born of stagnation of our minds and spirit. Others rekindle their internal fires and renew their inner wanderlust due to something they heard, someone they saw or a book they read. They begin to break free from false perceptions and discover the internal essence that has been lying dormant inside us all.

Break free from your false truth! Rediscover what was buried deep inside. Venture into the unknown reaches of your minds and discover what it is that you sought after for so many years outside of yourselves. The answers lay in a time before knowledge and we must return to that time as adults to find the truths of who we are and what our life’s purpose truly is.

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

New Website/Blog Page

October 1, 2015

Diversity Rules Magazine now has an updated website!  Part of the new site contains a blog, which all posts will be made to from now on.  Please bookmark the new blog site, as this Blogger account will be deleted at a yet to be determined time.

The address of the new blog is as follows:

Thanks for following Diversity Rules Magazine!

Jim Koury, Editor/Publisher